Cerda … once upon a time

If it were to to write the Targa’s history, it should write many pages of episodes, contrasts, anxieties, triumphal successes, such as to fill a large volume.
Maybe such a work will be done by some historian passionate about the race, harvesting in my memories and in my memory.
Vincenzo Florio
In each town of the Madonie in the days before the Targa the auctioneers, complete with a trumpet and a drum, go slack to announce the danger … “mothers keep the children”, “Men tie up the animals”, “who dies dies and so much worse for him. The mayor does not pay anyone “, the priests in the churches call for caution and even distribute poetic proclamations …
“ fimmineddi e masculiddi,
neutrali e picciriddi,
quannu è ura de la Targa
vi consigghiu stari a larga,
si ‘na machina v’intruzza
fracassandovi ‘a cucuzza
un c’è tempo d’arrivari
per potervi cunfessari.
Puddicini e puddastreddi,
cani, porci e picurieddi,
Và ! Tinitili intappati
pe nun finiri scafazzati.
E perciò a mia sintiti :
da lì casi nun nisciti,
du balcuni la guardati
e l’nfernu vi scansati !”