“Stories of men and noises of engines”, how many memories!

“Stories of men and engine noises” (Rubettino edtore, 165 pages, 15 euros) is the name of the latest literary effort by Stefano d’Amico who, with this new work of his, brings back to life a world that has now disappeared, that of great motor racing and of the great men who were its protagonists.

An important historical reconstruction, made with the material collected in a lifetime of memories, direct testimonies and recollections of encounters and emotions in a fascinating journey through the history of Italian motoring. In short, a rare book because in the age of digitization, of fast information and just a click away, Stefano d’Amico’s book marks the difference with everything you can find around the world of racing, the passion for engines, the poetry that envelops beautiful cars and beautiful stories.

For a very simple reason: it’s a book written without using the Internet. This can be understood from the very first lines, from the first anecdotes, from the first historical reconstructions. “Stories of men and engine noises” is the result of a work based on unique documents, personal memories, direct stories of friends. Pieces of paper. Materials, physical, This means that everything you read soon won’t be found anywhere else: a rare quality that makes this book unique.

Stefano d’Amico has spent a lifetime driving, or rather “living” the most beautiful cars on planet earth. Mostly Alfa Romeos (the two things often coincide…) but “Stories of men and engine noises” is not a book on the House of the Biscione because the “machines” (as true enthusiasts call them) have no flag but have a ‘soul. And each is different from the other.

Marcel Proust said that “Every reader, when he reads, reads himself. The writer’s work is only an optical instrument offered to the reader to allow him to discern what he, without the book, he perhaps would not have seen in himself “. Here these very special “glasses” will bring out the true passion you have for the world of engines. And passion, you know, makes us feel alive. That’s why this, as I said at the beginning, is “a book not to be missed”…

by Vincenzo Borgomeo

translated from: Blog Motori – la Repubblica

Turin, Salone del Libro 2022.